Blue Bachelor

City: Rio de Janeiro

“Love my wooden chair, bought it at Bali.”

João Emanuel is a writer.


-What’s your most cherished object?

Hard to say, but I think the type writer that belonged to Ruben Braga. Its the belonging that inspired me the most.

-Did you have help decorating?

Yes! I had help from the decorator Erick Figueira de Mello

-What are the 4 best things about Rio?

The natural beauties of the city; the carioca way of being; the laid-back quality of life in Rio; and of course Flamengo!

-4 people that inspire you:

Louis XIV, Machado de Assis, Ayrton Senna and Keith Richards.

-What’s your favorite book?

That’s such a hard question because I have so many… But if I was exiled to a desert island and I could only take one book, I’d take “Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas”, by Machado de Assis.

-What is home to you?

My private universe.

“My french bulldog, Fidel”

On the top of the bookcase, is the type writer bought at an auction previously owned by Rubem Braga (remarkable Brazilian writer of short stories). “My most inspirational object”.

“This was my first radio, my father gave it to me when I was 6 years old. Its symbolic to me because it is the beginning of my relationship with music. 10 years later I became a DJ.”

Questions (in Portuguese):

-Qual seu objeto mais estimado?

Difícil responder. Acho que é a máquina de escrever que pertenceu ao Rubem Braga. É o objeto que mais me inspira, pelo menos.  

-Você teve ajuda para decorar?

Tive sim, o Erick Figueira de Mello me deu uma força na decoração.

-Quais são as 4 melhores qualidades do Rio?

As belezas naturais da cidade; o jeito de ser do carioca; o despojamento; e por último, mas definitivamente não menos importante, o Flamengo.

-4 pessoas que te inspiram:

Luís XIV, Machado de Assis, Ayrton Senna e Keith Richards.

-Qual seu livro favorito?

Aí você me quebra, são tantos… Mas se eu tivesse que me exilar numa ilha deserta e só pudesse levar um livro, eu levaria “Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas”, do Machado de Assis.

-O que é lar para você?

É o meu universo particular.